Know me better (self)

My personality... I answered as honestly as possible.

Friday, August 06, 2004


Results of "The Test"
How much of a drama queen are you?Your score = 40

What does your score mean?
According to your answers on the test, you are given to the occasional dramatic outburst. You seem to have days when you are calm and rational, yet others when you ride a temporary roller coaster of emotion. Yes, sometimes you overreact. Perhaps you are more sensitive in certain areas, like your love life or health. Or maybe you go a tad over-the-top during certain times of high stress (or fluctuating hormones... and this happens to both men and women!). Whatever the case, it would certainly be beneficial to keep the theatrics to a minimum. Going over-the-top can spice up your life but it also can cause unnecessary stress. When you're on the verge of freaking out, take a deep breath and consider how things fit into the big picture. Is it really worth it?

How true: Hehe, kinda larz...
I do overeact and stuff. I also used to overcome stress quite easily, but now... as you can see from my pure-princess blog, taking a deep breath and consider how things fit in the big picture doesn't really work anymore... Not really...


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