Know me better (self)

My personality... I answered as honestly as possible.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Marliyana, your best quality shines through in how Independent you are

The fact that you're an independent person who is usually able to handle things in a self-sufficient manner really draws people to you! But that's not the only thing. Your answers on the test indicate you're a calm, relaxed person who tends to take life in stride. You are an honest person who values the truth and is sometimes willing to make sacrifices in order to uphold it, too.

In all, there are 15 qualities that help define you when you're at your best. Those are the traits potential employers, friends, and partners look for in you. What makes you unique is your particular distribution of those 15 qualities.

We've found that your particular combination of qualities is rare — only 2 in 10,000 people share the same general mix of traits. Those are great odds if you're trying to show a potential employer, colleague, friend, or date why you're exactly the right person for them.

Watch out! Insecurities and character weaknesses can spell trouble

Marliyana, your top quality is Independence. Combined with your second- and third-ranked qualities, Easygoing and Honesty, you have a very unique set of characteristics you can use to your advantage.

Only .17 percent of all people share these three top qualities. While these are your top three qualities, all 15 or your core qualities contribute to who you are and how you go through life. Find out more about how you can use this report to promote yourself better at work, in relationships, and in love.

To start, take a look at your comprehensive Best Qualities Profile.
















Now that you see how all your qualities fit together, take a look at what each quality means for you.

Your qualities report

Your qualities profile

How to use what you've love

How to use what you've career

Compare yourself: To others' answers

History behind the test

Quality #1: Independence

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Quality Description
Being highly independent means liking to do things on one's own and being naturally self-sufficient. Independent people are as a whole more determined than most and tend to have higher intelligence. However, it is also true that one can be independent without having high determination or intelligence and vice-versa. Another thing most highly independent people have in common is that they can possess a greater sense of integrity than many people around them do.

Your Score
You received a score of 98 out of 100 on this dimension. This indicates that compared with other people who took Tickle's test you have relatively higher level of confidence.

Relevant Question
Here's a question that was used to assess how independent you are.

You decide you'd like to take a photography class, so you:

A. Ask a friend to take it with you
B. Sign up, but only if a friend will take it with you
C. Enroll by yourself
D. Only do it if you can do it by yourself

Those people who are more independent were most likely to answer C, "Enroll by yourself," followed by D. Those less likely to be independent are those who said they would only sign up if a friend will take it with them.

Quality #2: Easygoing

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Quality Description
Being high in this quality means that someone is relatively calm, that the ups and downs in life don't tend to send them over the edge. Easygoing people are usually more tolerant than others are and can be hesitant to judge other people's actions. Rather than doubt the people around them, they tend to give them slack when they need it. In addition, easygoing people are usually down-to-earth types that don't seek fancy material things. It's possible to be materialistic and easygoing at the same time, but that combination is the exception and not the rule.

Your Score
You received a score of 84 out of 100 on this dimension, suggesting that you are relatively more easygoing than others who took Tickle's test.

Most Relevant Questions
Here's one of the questions Tickle posed to assess how easygoing you are.

You're late for a movie that you've been dying to see and your date is dragging their heels. What do you do?

A. I verbally encourage them to get moving
B. I stand impatiently at the door, putting silent pressure on them to finish up
C. I chill out for a while and don't worry about getting there on time
D. I do whatever I can to help them get ready faster

People who are the most easygoing usually pick C, "I chill out for a while and don't worry about getting there on time." They are least likely to answer B, "I stand impatiently at the door, putting silent pressure on them to finish up." People who answer B are communicating both impatience and disapproval. In addition, because they don't explicitly state their feelings, their date, has to try to read their mind. Usually this kind of passive communication occurs when a person is stressed out and doesn't know how to release steam or verbalize their feelings when they're feeling bad.

Quality #3: Honesty

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Quality Description
Being perfectly honest means telling the whole truth, even if it hurts. Most people bend the truth some of the time. People high on this scale are relatively less likely to tell a lie than others. Honest people tend to be happier, healthier people with strong values in general. They look to the future with hope and tend to be optimistic, believing that things will turn out well. They can also be slightly more down-to-earth.

Your Score
You received a score of 84 out of 100 on this dimension. This indicates that you are relatively more honest than other Tickle test takers.

Relevant Question
Here's a question that was used to assess your level of honesty.

Your friend Joe always complains that he can't get a date. You know that it's because of his body odor, but he doesn't. What would you say?

A. I'd mention that it could be because he has body odor
B. I'd tell him that the women he asked out were too picky
C. I'd give him very subtle hints that he could improve his hygiene
D. Nothing, I'd try to get other people to tell him the truth
E. Nothing, he'll figure it out on his own

Those people who are most honest are more likely to answer A, saying that they would mention his body odor. This is the most straightforward and honest way to communicate something difficult. Often, this kind of open communication is experienced by the other person as respectful and not as an affront.

Quality #4: Creativity

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Quality Description
Being high in creativity indicates a high level of imagination and innovation and usually is associated with a very unique personality. In addition, individuals who score highly on this dimension are normally quite intelligent. The stereotype of the highly creative person is one who is intense and passionate. Tickle's research generally backed up this preconception, finding that creativity does indeed tend to coexist with a passionate nature.

Your Score
You received a score of 83 out of 100 on this dimension, indicating that you are relatively more creative than most.

Relevant Question
Here's a question that was used to determine how creative you are.

If you had to write a paper, which of these would you choose?

A. A 10-page autobiographical sketch
B. A 20-page fictional story
C. A 5-page research report
D. Paraphrasing a chapter of a book in 5-10 pages

Those who said they'd most prefer to write a 20-page fictional story gave the most creativity-oriented answer. The next most creative group was people who answered that they'd choose to write a 10-page autobiographical sketch.

Quality #5: Adventurousness

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Quality Description
Scoring highly on this quality indicates that a person is willing to seek out new experiences and may even occasionally go out on a limb to try new things. In this way, adventurous types seem to feel that although change can be risky, or even scary at times, it can also be exhilarating. People high in this quality tend to live by the motto, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Research indicates that adventurous people are generally happier than their less adventurous counterparts. In addition, they tend to have a love for life, feel secure, and be determined to reach their goals.

Your Score
You received a score of 66 out of 100 on this dimension. Your score ranks you as being relatively more adventurous than others who took Tickle's test.

Relevant Question
Here's one question that Tickle used to determine how adventurous you are.

While out with friends you suggest something you can all do together, but they turn you down. What's the most likely reason?

A. They'd rather do something more exciting
B. They're afraid you'll get them in trouble
C. They're too tired
D. They'd like to do something new for a change
E. They refuse to do something that ridiculous

Those who answer that they're afraid you'll get them in trouble or that they won't do something that ridiculous are more likely to be highly adventurous. It's interesting to note that people who are adventurous often encounter social pressure to tone it down. However, when two adventurous people meet, the world becomes full of possibilities that they can explore together.

Quality #6: Determination

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Quality Description
Scoring highly on this quality indicates a strong ambition in life — the kind of drive that makes a person determined to reach the goals they set for themselves. People high in determination are more likely to make decisions easily and to have a strong sense of themselves. These types are normally slightly independent. They also often look past the superficial side of life, making them more down to earth than many people.

Your Score
You received a score of 64 out of 100 on this dimension. This result indicates that you are relatively more determined than most.

Relevant Question
Here's a question that helped assess how determined you are.

What does a ladder most remind you of?

A. The hierarchical structure of this society
B. Painting houses
C. Climbing the corporate ladder
D. Reaching for the sky
E. Superstitions
F. A potential lawsuit if it's on my property

Those who answered C, or "Climbing the corporate ladder," are more determined than those who gave any of the other answers. When presented with this image most people who are highly determined see the ladder as a means to complete their next goal, and even if they aren't entirely career oriented, they usually see this response as the most obvious answer to the question.

Quality #7: Intelligence

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Quality Description
People scoring high in intelligence are more likely to be unique. Higher intelligence offers greater possibilities in terms of how someone is likely to interpret the world. In addition, intelligent people are typically more able to articulate themselves well and to have high integrity.

Your Score
You received a score of 50 out of 100 on this dimension, indicating that compared with other people who took Tickle's test, you have relatively higher intelligence.

Relevant Question
The following question was one used to gauge your level of intelligence.

Are you ever the only person in the room who gets subtle jokes?

A. Yes, often
B. Yes, occasionally
C. Sometimes
D. No, never

People of higher intelligence are more likely to get subtle jokes.

Quality #8: Communication

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Quality Description
Being a strong communicator indicates an above-average ability to articulate ideas and feelings. People high in this quality tend to enjoy the act of communicating and can appreciate their own skill at it. Crafting a graceful phrase or telling an engaging tale are the kinds of talents that strong communicators are likely to be known for. Many people high in this quality also love to talk. Perhaps due to all of these skills, being high in this dimension is usually associated with a reasonably high level of confidence, intelligence, and decisiveness.

Your Score
You received a score of 43 out of 100 on this dimension, indicating that you are skilled in the art of communication than the majority of Tickle's test takers.

Relevant Question
Here's one question that was used to measure your skills as a communicator.

You look across the dinner table and realize that your date has food stuck to their chin. You:

A. Reach over and clean it off for them
B. Use hand gestures and nonverbal communication to let them know the food is there
C. Ask them whether you have anything on your face in the hopes that they'll ask the same thing back to you
D. Ignore it

People who are strong communicators would answer A, B, or D. Statement C is very passive and requires that the person being addressed do a lot of interpreting; not the choice a strong communicator would make. Option D, while it may seem like an answer for a non-communicator actually does communicate a strong idea ("I'm not going to tell you about the food on your chin"). Therefore, answer options A, B, and D clearly communicate something, even if that "something" is to do nothing at all.

Quality #9: Compassion

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Quality Description
Being high in compassion indicates a great level of empathy toward others, kindness, and thoughtfulness. People who score highly on this quality often are more affectionate than others are. They also generally feel that they have high values. This quality of compassion tends to come out most strongly in relationships and can be felt as warmth toward a significant other or concern about that person's feelings and general welfare.

Your Score
You received a score of 42 out of 100 on this dimension. Your score indicates that in general you're slightly less compassionate than people who took Tickle's test.

Relevant Question
Here is one of the questions Tickle used to assess how compassionate you are:

When I'm around someone who is expressing a strong emotion:

A. I can feel that emotion too
B. I try to be supportive
C. I try to get them to stop

Those who answered that they try to get the person to stop are scored as the least compassionate, and those who answered that they can feel the emotion too are scored as being most compassionate. The responses were ranked this way because when a person expresses a strong emotion, they usually feel better when they're allowed to express it, rather than being encouraged to suppress it.

Quality #10: Reliability

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Quality Description
Being high in this quality indicates exceptional integrity. People who score high in reliability are more likely than others to keep their word. They're also likely to have solid values that they stick by even when times get difficult. Generally speaking, this is the kind of person you can really count on. They are also, as a whole, more honest than most.

Your Score
You received a score of 32 out of 100 on this dimension. This indicates being slightly less reliable.

Most Relevant Questions
Here's an example question that was used to determine how reliable you are.

If challenged, which of these things would you give up last?

A. My integrity
B. My pride
C. My compassion

Those who answered integrity are viewed the most reliable, and those who answered pride tend to be the least reliable.

Quality #11: Stability

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Quality Description
Being high in this quality indicates emotional and psychological stability. Normally, high stability scores indicate a high level of general happiness, a general sense of security, and solid confidence. Often, those who are highly stable are financially stable, as well.

Your Score
You received a score of 24 out of 100 on this dimension. This score indicates having a slightly lower level of stability compared to others.

Relevant Question
Here is an example of the questions Tickle used to assess how stable you are.

If you were to draw your feelings, they would be the shape of:

A. A flat line
B. A slight squiggle
C. Valleys and peaks
D. A four-year-old's scribbles

Those who are most stable tend to say that their feelings are the shape of a slight squiggle. Those who said that their feelings are the shape of a four-year-old's scribbles were ranked as being the least stable. The other two responses were in between; valleys and peaks suggest the potential for mood swings and a flat line indicates being relatively cut off from one's feelings. Either of these answers could be associated with a lower level of stability.

Quality #12: Humor

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Quality Description
People who are high in this quality typically get most jokes — even when the joke is on them. Not surprisingly, people high in humor are likely to be known as the funny ones among their crowds. Also notable is that it takes a good deal of intelligence to be humorous. So while most funny people are smart, not all smart people are funny. Overall, there aren't many other traits typical of people with a great sense of humor. This is a unique quality that stands separate from the rest.

Your Score
You received a score of 12 out of 100 on this dimension, meaning that your sense of humor appears to be slightly less compared to that of others.

Relevant Question
Here's a question that was used to assess how humorous you are.

After seeing a good comedy, you're the one:

A. Holding your stomach from laughing so hard
B. In a light mood from having so much fun
C. Quietly thinking back on the humorous dialogue
D. Talking about all the funny things the actors said

Those who are highly humorous are most likely to answer A, "Holding your stomach from laughing so hard." They are least likely to give the answers B or C, which are about being in a light mood and quietly thinking through what was said.

Quality #13: Confidence

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Quality Description
Scoring highly on this quality indicates that you are confident in life. People with high confidence are more likely than most to believe in themselves and to feel that they are strong, secure, intelligent, and sexy. In fact, all of the qualities that people can tend to feel insecure or uneasy about, confident types tend to feel positive about and secure in. In addition to these strengths, confident people are more likely to be articulate, somewhat optimistic, and unique.

Your Score
You received a score of 11 out of 100 on this dimension indicating that you have slightly less confidence than many of the people who took Tickle's test.

Relevant Question
Here's a question Tickle used to determine your level of confidence.

You're meeting a friend for lunch in an hour and the two of you can't decide where to eat. How do you select a restaurant?

A. Pick one arbitrarily
B. Try to guess where my friend would want to eat
C. Wait for my friend to choose
D. Suggest a new place neither of us has been
E. Hint at where I want to go

High confidence is associated with the answers, "Pick one arbitrarily" and "Suggest a new place neither of us have been." Both are more active approaches. They also require that the person answering have enough confidence to decide for both parties or at least to select a good possibility and not be too afraid to share it. Hinting, guessing, and waiting indicate a less certain approach, which is usually associated with somewhat lower confidence.

Quality #14: Optimism

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Quality Description
Being high in optimism indicates that when a person looks into the future, they see good things to come. People with an abundance of this quality usually feel safe as they move through life because they can see the positive side of what they encounter. Believing that things turn out well may be something experience has taught them. It may also simply be in their nature to feel this way. Generally highly optimistic people love life and are happy. They can also have a unique edge to them due to feeling more secure than most. In addition, optimists can love a great conversation and be slightly more ambitious in their life goals than the people around them.

Your Score
You received a score of 5 out of 100 on this dimension. This score indicates that you're slightly less optimistic than the majority of test takers.

Relevant Question
Here's a question that was used to determine how optimistic you are.

If you decide to reach a particularly important but difficult long-term goal, what are the chances you'll follow through?

A. Small chance
B. About 50/50
C. I'd probably reach it
D. Unless my goal changed, I'd definitely reach it
E. I never go back; I'd definitely reach it

The responses associated with highest optimism are the two answers that contain the phrase, "I'd definitely reach it," choices D and E. This is true because optimistic people believe in their ability to finish what they set out to do. When optimists look to the future, they see positive things and picture themselves in positive situations, including reaching the goals that are important to them.

Quality #15: Romanticism

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Quality Description
Being high on this quality indicates a tendency to romanticize life and to fully enjoy the romantic aspects of intimate relationships. When a highly romantic person makes a step forward in a relationship, it typically has both significance and flair. High romance is associated with both highly affectionate behavior and a strongly passionate nature. Romantic people are usually thoughtful, compassionate, and sexy. Also, perhaps because of their sometimes-dreamy nature, people high in this quality tend to be optimistic about what life will bring.

Your Score
You received a score of 5 out of 100 on this dimension. Your result indicates that you're slightly less romantic than others who took Tickle's test.

Relevant Question
Here's one of the questions Tickle used to determine how romantic you are.

Of these qualities, which is the most important to share with a lover?

A. Respect
B. Passion
C. Happiness
D. Compassion

Those who ranked as the most romantic gave the answer, "Passion."

Your qualities report

Your qualities profile

How to use what you've love

How to use what you've career

Compare yourself: To others' answers

History behind the test

Because more and more people are going online to look for love, it's a good idea to hone your online dating skills so that you're ready to make the most of this new road to romance.

Online dating: Creating an online profile
Online profiles are all about broadcasting the special traits that make you who you are. Therefore, the easiest way to create an online profile is to take directly from the first paragraph of this report. If you feel uncomfortable boasting about yourself, you can put in the disclaimer, "According to Tickle's What's Your Best Quality?," and follow it up with something like this:

I am an independent person who is usually able to handle things in a self-sufficient manner.

I'm also a calm, relaxed person who tends to take life in stride.

Last but not least, I'm an honest person who values the truth and is sometimes willing to make sacrifices in order to uphold it.

These are my top qualities, but I'm also very creative, adventurous, determined, intelligent, and a articulate.

You can list as many qualities as you like, but it may best for you to focus on no more than eight of your top qualities. Choose the particular traits that you most value in yourself. Taking this approach will create a vivid picture of a unique individual and draw people to you who are a good match for your traits. Listing too many qualities can dilute your best points and make it look a little like you're trying to be all things to all people. This will only complicate your search for love.

Online dating: How to describe yourself in your emails
In the initial steps of online dating, much time is spent learning about the details of another person's personality to see if the two of you are a good fit. To help a potential romantic partner get to know more about who you are, you may want to pick a few of your top qualities and elaborate on them in more depth. There are a couple ways to do this subtly, so that a person can learn more about you without you plainly having to state your positive traits. Here are examples of two ways you can translate a direct description of one of your qualities into an indirect message that your potential romantic interest will understand:

Example: Communicating that you are compassionate
Rather than simply telling your potential love interest, "I'm a compassionate person," you can show them you're compassionate in your emails. One way to do this is to respond compassionately to things your love interest writes to you. For instance, perhaps you've noticed lately that they've been talking a lot about work and about the long hours they've been forced to keep. You might want to ask them a compassionate question like, "It seems as though your work has been very demanding lately. Is there something I can do to help reduce the strain on you?"

You could also express that you're a compassionate person by describing situations from your own life where you've displayed that trait. For example, if you've been compassionate toward your sister, you can let a date know this by saying something like, "I'm a little concerned about my sister. Lately she seems to be criticizing herself a lot and I'm afraid that her new job is taking a toll on her self-esteem." People will tend to pick up on the quality behind a comment like that one without even consciously remarking on it. Over time, this kind of sharing creates a general impression of the person you are.

The first date: How to present yourself
First dates can be so stressful that the most important thing to keep in mind is that you do have many attractive qualities. If you put those traits to use by simply being yourself, you're sure to put your best foot forward. You don't need to rehearse all the great things about yourself in advance unless it helps you to do so. Instead, just keep that mental list of your best qualities ready so that should you start to doubt yourself during the date, you'll be able to remember exactly why you're a worthy catch. Also, don't feel the need to dazzle your date with all your brilliant qualities at once. Your date will get to know all the different good parts of you as the date progresses, just the way you'll get to know them.

However, it's still a good idea to have an interesting story or two ready that represents some of the qualities you want your date to recognize in you. Not only will those tales be a good way to keep the conversation flowing, they will also present your date with a snapshot of the things you like best about yourself.

Meeting the parents: What to say
What about when you're in a more serious relationship? What about when you're meeting your significant other's parents for the first time. Interestingly, enough, you can use some of the same strategies you would on a first date. Perhaps the most vital thing first dates and meeting the parents have in common is that in both cases it's important to be yourself. To that end, the stories you practiced about yourself for the first date may come in handy here, too. However, your best bet will be to learn as much as you can about your partner's parents before meeting them; find out what they like and what qualities are important to them. Then take some extra time before you meet them to remind yourself just how you embody those qualities that they admire. Think about past times when you've put those qualities to use. Also think about your upcoming meeting with them. How could you act that would mirror the traits they feel are important? For instance, if you find out that your date's parents value honesty and are compassionate, you could confess something embarrassing about yourself that is true but endearing. An admission like that one, when told at an appropriate moment, could help the parents trust and like you more because you're both willing to let down your guard and are truthful about your actions even when they're a little embarrassing.

Your qualities report

Your qualities profile

How to use what you've love

How to use what you've career

Compare yourself: To others' answers

History behind the test

The vast majority of business executives have several qualities in common — qualities that can be matched with the very traits on which Tickle just tested you. Below is a chart that provides you with a list of nine executive qualities and shows you how each correlates with your own best qualities. You can use these powerful terms when you need to describe yourself in the context of business or your career.

Best Quality Executive Quality

Determination Ambition

Being articulate Assertiveness

Optimism Enthusiasm

Creativity Creativity

Adventurousness Entrepreneurial Spirit

Independence Self-reliance

Compassionate Consideration

Being easygoing Composed

Stability Practicality

When you describe yourself to potential employers, you should consider focusing on these three exceptional qualities that you possess: Self-reliance, Composure, and Creativity. Here are ways to describe each of these three qualities, in case you'd like to elaborate on them in an interview or are given the opportunity to describe yourself in writing. You are:
A person who is comfortable taking on responsibility and acting independently to meet established objectives
A person who is even tempered and calm and able to display a great degree of emotional control in stressful situations
A person who is adept at generating new, innovative ideas in response to strategic objectives