Know me better (self)

My personality... I answered as honestly as possible.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

You're a thinker

Your cautiousness, appreciation of functionality, and imagination combine to make you a THINKER. (hmm... I guess so)

You have a vivid capacity for imagery that allows you to see beyond your present circumstances. (yup, sometimes, and these imageries help me get out of alot of difficult depressing situations)

You like to be sure of yourself before voicing your opinion. (yes, I do mostly)

A lot of your time is spent at home, or with the people you care about. (yes, if there's nothing, you'll find me at home the whole day)

Although you may dream often, you're very aware of how things work, and you value things that work well.

You take comfort in the familiar, and value predictability—and others value those things in you. (though I don't mind trying new things sometimes)

Accordingly, you prefer a set routine, and although you often imagine how things can be different, you're hesitant to take risks to change things. (but these days i seem to need to change my plans last min, I put more trust in where my feet brings me than where my mind and heart directs)

Sometimes you doubt whether you have the ability to face certain challenges, but your practical focus helps you solve most problems. (doubtful uhuh)

Because of this, you tend to be more reactive than proactive, thinking thoroughly about the challenges that you face. (yes I think/plan so much but don't do anything, and that's bad uh)

You have a broad-based, theoretical understanding of the world that allows you to understand its workings.

If you want to be different:

Try indulging your imagination a bit more by experiencing new and different things. (insyaAllah I would!!)

Have a little more faith in your capacity to do things—turn your thoughts into actions! (haha insyaAllah I'll try la k)

how you relate to others
You are Faithful

Your trust in others, respect for tradition, and caring nature make you FAITHFUL.

Maintaining a few intimate relationships is more important to you than knowing a lot of people, and you share a lot with your close friends. (not so true)

Those who have managed to get close to you value your camaraderie, and they know that they can trust you with anything; you're a good listener. (it's for you to judge)

While you can usually see several sides of an argument, you often have a strong opinion as to which side is correct—the order of things is usually clear to you. (mostly, but more often than not I won't say my opinion)

Your perspective on the world is based on careful observation, and you know a lot about how people feel in—and react to—many situations.

Your exploration of others' feelings has led you to believe that although people generally act appropriately, having clear social rules is very important to a functional society. (yep, that's why we have law what)

Time alone for reflection is important to you—you are introspective and aware of your own feelings. (YES!! I need that reflection time)

Faithful is as faithful does—you expect those with whom you are close to be loyal to you, and you take betrayal of your trust very seriously. (seriously yes. if u're nice to me, insyaAllah I'll try to be doubly nice to u hehe)

If you want to be different:

Some of the alternate perspectives that you understand may have more value than you give them credit for—keep in mind that right and wrong aren't always so clear-cut. (haha the grey areas between blc and white huh?)

While you are able to reap the benefits of your time alone, and may see interacting with a lot of people as more tiring than exciting, remember that there is a lot to be learned from experiencing things and not just reflecting on them. (well, you have to experience something and reflect on it la kan)

That was rather fun! Hehe.


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