Know me better (self)

My personality... I answered as honestly as possible.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Results of "The Test"
How optimistic are you?Your score = 55

What does your score mean?
When it comes to the classic glass half empty or half full question, you seem to be balancing precariously on the fence. Essentially, you're a realist who sees the world in various shades of gray rather than black and white. While you know things don't always work out the way we anticipate, you also recognize - and use to your advantage -the power of positive thinking. You want to hope for the best, and try to keep those rose-colored glasses on as often as possible. This approach to life, should you develop it more fully, will surely give you an edge over all the negative Neds and Nancys out there; research has proven that expecting the best creates a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. You believe, for example, that the attractive stranger at a party really will call and in turn you come across as confident and approachable. You know the deal - when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Put in a little more effort to look on the bright side and you'll be heading down the right path.

How true: Hmm...
Usually I think positively and encourage others to too. But since I believe anything can happen in this world, I do feel negative at times and feel the need to be cautious. However, I doubt an attractive stranger at a party who asks for my number would actually call. In fact, I doubt that guy would even ask for my no. in the first place!


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