Know me better (self)

My personality... I answered as honestly as possible.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Results of "The Test"
How good of a blind date are you?Your score = 67

What does your score mean?
When it comes to the adventure of blind dates, you're hovering between heavenly dating material and a nightmare. Many of your attitudes and behaviors seem to be leading you to dating success, while others are taking a detour towards disaster. Being a good date requires several things, and you may want to examine whether you're putting in the effort to satisfy these requirements. Do you show utmost respect for your dates? Do you really give people a chance on dates, or do you throw in the towel if they don't fit your preconceived ideals? Do you put your best, but real, self forward? If you're going to go on blind dates, make sure they're not a waste of your time!

How true: Sry too sleepy to understand larz...


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