Know me better (self)

My personality... I answered as honestly as possible.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Results of "The Test"
How forgiving are you?Your score = 75

What does your score mean?
According to your answers on the test, forgiving comes easily to you. You seem to have an open, accepting heart, and don't judge others harshly even when they royally mess up. This doesn't mean you aren't affected by others hurtful or thoughtless actions - you may feel the jab, but are simply able to put it behind you and give people another chance. You recognize that as humans we are all flawed, and everyone needs compassionate absolution at some point in their life. This is a healthy attitude that likely prevents you from becoming bitter and distrustful... as long as you don't dish out forgiveness too blindly. Make sure that your leniency doesn't give others so much room that you are taken advantage of!

How true: So very true!
I so hate people who plays bad jokes, but other than that, I can forgive people easily, especially if it's accidental. But yes, sometimes people take advantage over me and it's very hard to forgive them...


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