Know me better (self)

My personality... I answered as honestly as possible.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Results of "The Test"
How much of a gossip are you?Your score = 5

What does your score mean?
Mum's the word! You manage to keep your lips sealed, even in the most tempting of situations. You don't give in to the urge to dish the dirt on other people, even when you have a great story to share - either that or you are simply not interested in other people's business. Whatever the case, you appear to rarely (or never) backstab, gossip or even blink an eye at juicy tidbits of info that come your way. Privacy is likely of utmost importance in your life, and you do everything to respect others' need for the same confidentiality. This is a very mature, respectful you should be proud of.

How true: Mostly...
My friends can testify that I keep what I hear to myself, especially when they say, "Don't tell k". But I do gossip or join in gossips about people whom I hate and may even pass it on, but only with my close friends.


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