Know me better (self)

My personality... I answered as honestly as possible.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Results of "The Test"
How ambitious are you?Your score = 50

What does your score mean?
While you're probably not plotting to take over the world anytime soon, you definitely have a healthy dose of ambition flowing through your veins. Either you've got dollar signs in your eyes or you feel drawn by a higher calling, a drive to make something great of yourself. Whatever the case, this inner motivation will likely lead you down the path to prosperity - as long as you maintain some balance. Depending on your answers to the test, you may be on the verge of becoming a serious workaholic. (Did you say you would cut off your finger? Would you blow off a wedding anniversary for dinner with the boss?) Take some time to contemplate whether you are really willing to sacrifice other parts of your life for career success before you put your blinders on. Otherwise you may find yourself filled with regret in later years that you didn't take the time to "smell the flowers".

How true: Not so...
To both qns mentioned above, I answered no. I also know my priorities ok...


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