Know me better (self)

My personality... I answered as honestly as possible.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Results of "The Test"
Are you a good friend?Your score = 75

What does your score mean?
Camaraderie is your specialty, and you tend to keep your pals at the very top of your priority list. When a friend is in need, whether for emotional support, a financial boost, or a simple helping hand, they can count on you to come through. You give the very best of yourself, and will actually put your own desires (and sometimes needs) on hold for the sake of a pal's happiness. Your friends surely appreciate your self-sacrificing nature and probably sing your praises. While it's wonderful to show such intense dedication, however, there could be some negative consequences to your high level of commitment; do you ever feel, for example, that you are giving much more than others give in return, or that you are being taken advantage of? While most people see the value of such a fab friend, there are also folks who will milk your generosity for all its worth - not always out of maliciousness, but sometimes because it's just too easy. There is also the danger of developing bitter feelings when you give up your own wants for those of others - a true friend, in fact, will not expect you to drop everything for them in every situation, and will surely respect your decision to put yourself first from time to time.

How true: Erm, okok lah.
Maybe the results are not so fair as for me, there is a great different between good friend and best frind or true friend (where there's only one). I do find my good friends taking advantage of me and I'm quite lenient and dunno how to say no. And I know I'm willing to do most things for my true friend and no, they won't find out about how I actually felt, 'cos I won't complain. But one thing, I will never lend my favourite things to anyone unless it concerns their lives or something@!


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