Know me better (self)

My personality... I answered as honestly as possible.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Results of "The Test"
How good of a blind date are you?Your score = 67

What does your score mean?
When it comes to the adventure of blind dates, you're hovering between heavenly dating material and a nightmare. Many of your attitudes and behaviors seem to be leading you to dating success, while others are taking a detour towards disaster. Being a good date requires several things, and you may want to examine whether you're putting in the effort to satisfy these requirements. Do you show utmost respect for your dates? Do you really give people a chance on dates, or do you throw in the towel if they don't fit your preconceived ideals? Do you put your best, but real, self forward? If you're going to go on blind dates, make sure they're not a waste of your time!

How true: Sry too sleepy to understand larz...


Results of "The Test"
Are you destined to be single?Your score = 80

What does your score mean?
It's not a shock that you're still single. While you're surely a perfectly wonderful human being, you aren't putting yourself in situations where potential partners can discover your natural charm and magnetism! You're just not helping yourself find a date; you may turn down great opportunities to get to know people out of sheer laziness, set unreasonable standards for dating material, or behave in ways that do not signal "available". Perhaps you are an extremely independent person or you just don't really care if you manage to snag a compatible partner. If dating is just fun and games for you and you don't give a fig that you're single, there's nothing wrong with your casual dating behavior. If you are looking for love, however, it wouldn't hurt to start putting in more of an effort. Let your friends set you up, take some classes where you can meet other singles, and give people a chance before you decide they're not the one for you. As long as you don't cross that fine line between friendliness and desperation, you'll be boosting your chances of making a love connection!

How true: Umm...
Don't really understand... But just let me tell you that, "I DON'T FLIRT!" Puh-lees, I'm not going around in a t-shirt saying, "I'm single, come and grab" ok!


Results of "The Test"
How adventurous are you?Your score = 5

What does your score mean?
When it comes to living on the edge, you prefer to play it safe. When faced with a chancy opportunity, you weigh the pros and cons and carefully consider the potential repercussions. If the odds aren't good, you don't place your bet. You're rational and not easily seduced by the possibility of a wild time, an easy moment in the spotlight or temporary bliss. Thinking ahead is one of your strong points - sure, you may have crazy fun today, but what about the mess tomorrow? Now all this doesn't mean that you never cut loose - you may have moments when you throw all caution to the wind. Perhaps you're a risk taker in love, or in your career. In other areas, however, you would rather not gamble. Whatever the case, your approach is probably saving you a lot of headaches. Just be sure that you take some well-thought-out risks, otherwise you may miss out on some amazing opportunities!

How true: Yep!
I don't gamble, especially my life or dignity!


Results of "The Test"
How much of a liar are you?Your score = 10

What does your score mean?
Abraham Lincoln would be proud of you - you are as honest as they come. Your answers showed that you are usually able to resist the temptation to tell boldface lies or even stretch the truth to serve your own purposes. You seem to recognize the importance of honesty not only in interpersonal relationships, but also as a sign of personal integrity. Shooting from the hip, you know, is not always easy. Lying, after all, can get you out of some tight spots and even help you get the things you desire most. But, for you, the "victory" would be hollow if you had to use low-down, sneaky tactics to get there. The people in your life surely appreciate your candor, as long as it is always handled with optimal tact. Way to go!

How true: Very...
I just find that lying can't get me anywhere good...


Results of "The Test"
How competitive are you?Your score = 25

What does your score mean?
You can't win 'em all - and, frankly, you think winning is overrated. You seem to be generally happy without the glory of being number one. You still may be extremely driven in certain areas of your life (your career, or social life), but competitiveness doesn't permeate your entire existence. You're able to step back and let others bask in the spotlight, and don't go to extreme lengths to ensure you stay at the top. This could mean that you are so self-confident that you don't need to draw attention to your every success and judge yourself by your own standards, or you simply don't need all that glory. Hopefully, however, you're not selling yourself short - a little bit of competitive spirit can give you the get-up-and-go you need to go after what you want.

How true: Don't think so true
I think I'm more competitive than this, especially with my brothers and some of my friends whom I feel like to boast after being better than me. But yes, I don't do anything just to be better than someone else for no practical reason. I mean, I don't like competitive people, so I don't want to be one.


Results of "The Test"
How much of a risk taker are you?Your score = 10

What does your score mean?
Your motto seems to be "better safe than sorry". You're not generally comfortable throwing all caution to the wind. This hesitant nature serves as a valuable protective shield against disappointment, potential danger and even failure. Since the situations on this test were quite extreme (risking cancellation of a wedding to hire strippers or transporting illegal narcotics, just to name a few) I won't assume that you are overly cautious in everyday situations. There is a difference between an educated, thought-out risk and a wacky, just plain dangerous risk, after all. Living "on the edge" from time to time, like asking someone out or going after that dream job, is essential if we want to achieve our goals. As long as you're willing to put yourself on the line when there's much to be gained, you're on the right track. This quote by Jawaharlal Nehru says it all: "The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all."

How true: Very true I guess...
Why do you think I don't dare to take dares??


Do you have a sense of humor?Your score = 30

What does your score mean?
Well…you must have a really nice personality! Ok, we're just kidding. So you don't laugh at the same things we do -that's cool! However, if you scored this low you're probably not one to laugh at absurdity -including your own. That's too bad -if you can't laugh at yourself, what can you laugh at? Perhaps you're taking things too seriously? Remember, life's way too short for that.

How true: Sort of...
I do find some things silly embarrassing to laugh at.


Results of "The Test"
How much self-respect do you have?Your score = 65

What does your score mean?
In certain situations, you maintain a high level of integrity, but in others you toss it right out the window. Essentially, you rate medium on the self-respect scale. In general, you value yourself and strive to preserve your sense of inner value. But in certain cases you accept nasty behavior from others or do things that make you uncomfortable, even though you know deep down that you shouldn't compromise your beliefs that way. Perhaps there are specific weak spots in your life - like your love life or career - where your self-respect is shaky. Whatever the reason for your occasional lapse in judgment, you may want to take a closer look and reassess your behavior. You're halfway there, but you shouldn't strive for anything less than complete, 100% self-respect!

How true: Sry, dun really understand the results...


Results of "The Test"
Are you a giver?Your score = 75

What does your score mean?
You are a giver extraordinaire! Perhaps you obtain enjoyment by constantly providing others with tokens of your affection, or your reward is the gratitude you receive. Giving is a beautiful thing if your offerings are well received and appreciated - but any extreme has its possible drawbacks. And as a persistent giver there are many things you should watch out for. You may be putting other people's needs and wants in front of your own out of the simple desire to please. It feels nice to give and to see people appreciate your offers, but this sense of well-being can lead to bitterness, resentment or even being taken advantage of. Be sure to give only when you truly WANT to - not because you feel obliged or guilty.

How true: Yar... true...
So true, even the last part, I do feel those 'cos sometimes I dunno how to say no!!!


Results of "The Test"
How jealous are you?Your score = 30

What does your score mean?
When it comes to jealousy, you're as cool as a cucumber. A coworker could beat you for a promotion and you'd probably be genuinely happy for them; your partner could share a cozy corner with an attractive stranger and you'd barely blink an eye. Where does this untouchable attitude come from? Well, you are most likely very confident - both in your own personal worth and your partner's loyalty to you. You may occasionally feel a twinge of envy (who doesn't), but overall you realize that the green-eyed monster is one creature you just don't want to mess with. Your relationships surely benefit from this attitude. ]

How true: Maybe not so...
I think I can be more jealous than 30%, but then again jealous and envious are two totally different things!


Results of "The Test"
How realistic are you?Your score = 80

What does your score mean?
Yes, reality bites…but you'd rather face the cold hard truth than be disappointed later on. You tend to see things the way they are and don't wear any rose-colored glasses to filter the unpleasant side of life. While this perspective serves as a protective shield against broken dreams and shattered hopes, it could also make the world seem much more cruel and bleak. If you don't let yourself suspend your critical eye and float in the clouds once in awhile, what will motivate you to go for your dreams? Dreams do sometimes come true, but you can guarantee yours won't if you don't have a little faith. Belief is truly magical!

How true: Kinda...
I believe in fate and when I meet with something bad, I just remind myself that fate is working, but I will still try to see my mistakes and try to do better next time. What's past is past, but fate depends on our efforts, so put in all you can!


Results of "The Test"
How bitchy are you?Your score = 10

What does your score mean?
Congratulations, you had a low score on the bitch test and appear to be a decent person! You're not necessarily verging on sainthood, but we can safely assume that you have a basic respect for others and an acceptable sense of decorum. You try your best to maintain a certain level of etiquette, and control yourself even when tempted to stab someone in the back or settle a few scores. You are able to calm yourself down and think rationally rather than giving into the first animalistic urge to "attack". Sure, you may slip up from time to time, but you're only human! So wear those angel wings with pride - the world needs more civilized folk like you.

How true: Please I hope this' very very true to you out there!


Results of "The Test"
How flirtatious are you?Your score = 10

What does your score mean?
You may or may not have the skills necessary to flirt, but either way you don't employ them on a regular basis. Perhaps you turned on the charm in the past, but are now in a committed relationship and don't feel the need - or you reserve your attention only for deserving objects. Flirting is simply a personal choice - for some it's an occasional pursuit, for others it's an Olympic sport. The most important thing is that you are happy with your ability to flirt - if you know you've got what it takes but chose not to or simply don't care, that's no problem. If, however, you wish you could engage in some harmless (or not so harmless) flirting when the occasion arises, why not test out the waters? Choose a day when you're feeling particularly charismatic and give it a go…you'll likely be surprised at the results. If nothing comes of it, keep trying. Practice makes perfect!

How true: I've told you I hate flirts, how can I be one??
I don't flirt, at least I don't intend to. At most I'll just admire the person whole day long and wish I'd see him more often.


Results of "The Test"
Are you a good friend?Your score = 75

What does your score mean?
Camaraderie is your specialty, and you tend to keep your pals at the very top of your priority list. When a friend is in need, whether for emotional support, a financial boost, or a simple helping hand, they can count on you to come through. You give the very best of yourself, and will actually put your own desires (and sometimes needs) on hold for the sake of a pal's happiness. Your friends surely appreciate your self-sacrificing nature and probably sing your praises. While it's wonderful to show such intense dedication, however, there could be some negative consequences to your high level of commitment; do you ever feel, for example, that you are giving much more than others give in return, or that you are being taken advantage of? While most people see the value of such a fab friend, there are also folks who will milk your generosity for all its worth - not always out of maliciousness, but sometimes because it's just too easy. There is also the danger of developing bitter feelings when you give up your own wants for those of others - a true friend, in fact, will not expect you to drop everything for them in every situation, and will surely respect your decision to put yourself first from time to time.

How true: Erm, okok lah.
Maybe the results are not so fair as for me, there is a great different between good friend and best frind or true friend (where there's only one). I do find my good friends taking advantage of me and I'm quite lenient and dunno how to say no. And I know I'm willing to do most things for my true friend and no, they won't find out about how I actually felt, 'cos I won't complain. But one thing, I will never lend my favourite things to anyone unless it concerns their lives or something@!


Results of "The Test"
How ambitious are you?Your score = 50

What does your score mean?
While you're probably not plotting to take over the world anytime soon, you definitely have a healthy dose of ambition flowing through your veins. Either you've got dollar signs in your eyes or you feel drawn by a higher calling, a drive to make something great of yourself. Whatever the case, this inner motivation will likely lead you down the path to prosperity - as long as you maintain some balance. Depending on your answers to the test, you may be on the verge of becoming a serious workaholic. (Did you say you would cut off your finger? Would you blow off a wedding anniversary for dinner with the boss?) Take some time to contemplate whether you are really willing to sacrifice other parts of your life for career success before you put your blinders on. Otherwise you may find yourself filled with regret in later years that you didn't take the time to "smell the flowers".

How true: Not so...
To both qns mentioned above, I answered no. I also know my priorities ok...


Results of "The Test"
How immature are you?Your score = 30

What does your score mean?
You've got just enough childishness in you to keep things fun and spontaneous, but not so much that you come off as an immature goof. In some situations, you can't resist the temptation to unleash the inner child. In others, however, you choose the mature, respectable thing to do. This is most likely a healthy balance - as long as you don't chose work meetings or first dates as a good time to flip your eyelids inside out! Nurturing the inner child keeps you young and sparks creativity, but it can also make you look like a real buffoon if carried too far.

How true: I guess they're mostly true.


Results of "The Test"
How naughty are you?Your score = 25

What does your score mean?
You definitely lean on the nice side of the naughtiness spectrum... especially when it comes to sexual adventures. You haven't indulged in a lot of the risqué activities presented on the test, and feel confident that you would not get swept away by temptation if you should have the opportunity one day. You likely pride yourself on your sense of decency, and try to do the "right thing" rather than act impulsively. This is a wise, mature approach - as long as it doesn't hold you back from having some fun in the bedroom when in a loving, committed relationship. Sometimes being just a little naughty can actually be quite nice!

How true: Haha! True I think...


Results of "The Test"
How in love are you?Your score = 75

What does your score mean?
While you wouldn't do it all for love, you would do a heck of a lot! You're generous but have certain limits on how far you'd go in the name of love, which is a pretty healthy approach. Sure, you need to give love to get love, but give too much and you can turn into a human doormat. You are able to put your foot down and think of yourself from time to time while still making the effort to show your loved one that you care. You're generally loyal and bighearted and you expect the same from your partner. It's a delicate balance, but it's essential to building strong, mutually-respectful relationships. Keep it up and you should be on your way to some good lovin'!

How true: Hehe!


Results of "The Test"
How afraid are you?Your score = 50

What does your score mean?
You appear to be somewhere in the middle on the fear scale. Some things scare the pants off you, but others may not even warrant a slight chill down the spine. So why do you have some fears, while in other situations you've got courage? Fears essentially stem from some past experience that left a lasting impression on us, even if we can't remember it. Perhaps your brother threw a snake in your bed, or you heard one too many ghost stories around the fire at summer camp. They can also stem from an overactive imagination and a tendency to overreact. Essentially, they're a defensive technique that can protect us from harm, but if they are too strong they cause unnecessary anxiety. Only you can decide if your phobias are a problem and whether you should take steps to conquer them.

How true: I guess very very true...
I hate the dark, but I can hide under something and start praying before finally sleeping back. I hate snakes 'cos last time my bro chased me around Toy'R'Us with a fake one. I hate the scales! Other fears like height, I can handle. At most I just try to be extra cautious.


Results of "The Test"
How much of a gossip are you?Your score = 5

What does your score mean?
Mum's the word! You manage to keep your lips sealed, even in the most tempting of situations. You don't give in to the urge to dish the dirt on other people, even when you have a great story to share - either that or you are simply not interested in other people's business. Whatever the case, you appear to rarely (or never) backstab, gossip or even blink an eye at juicy tidbits of info that come your way. Privacy is likely of utmost importance in your life, and you do everything to respect others' need for the same confidentiality. This is a very mature, respectful you should be proud of.

How true: Mostly...
My friends can testify that I keep what I hear to myself, especially when they say, "Don't tell k". But I do gossip or join in gossips about people whom I hate and may even pass it on, but only with my close friends.


Results of "The Test"
How cheap are you?Your score = 25

What does your score mean?
Congratulations, you're not a cheapo! In fact, you seem to be fairly relaxed and generous when it comes to money, and you don't hesitate to chip in whenever you've got the means. You don't go out of your way to hunt down the best bargains on every little thing you purchase, and are unable to ignore the dollar signs and have a good time…even when caught off guard by a hefty tab. Either you make enough money that you simply don't have to worry about the price tag, or you've made the decision not to let money control your life. This is a great attitude, but one word of caution; don't be so relaxed about money that you forget about the bill that will come later in the mail.

How true: Yep, quite true...
I can be relaxed with my money at times, 'cis I now I should share with friends that's less lucky compared to me. But I don't like it when they're the ones to ask to borrow and then ask if it is possible if they don't pay back. I don't like that attitude. I do thinks to my will, not others, excuse me...


Results of "The Test"
How forgiving are you?Your score = 75

What does your score mean?
According to your answers on the test, forgiving comes easily to you. You seem to have an open, accepting heart, and don't judge others harshly even when they royally mess up. This doesn't mean you aren't affected by others hurtful or thoughtless actions - you may feel the jab, but are simply able to put it behind you and give people another chance. You recognize that as humans we are all flawed, and everyone needs compassionate absolution at some point in their life. This is a healthy attitude that likely prevents you from becoming bitter and distrustful... as long as you don't dish out forgiveness too blindly. Make sure that your leniency doesn't give others so much room that you are taken advantage of!

How true: So very true!
I so hate people who plays bad jokes, but other than that, I can forgive people easily, especially if it's accidental. But yes, sometimes people take advantage over me and it's very hard to forgive them...


Results of "The Test"
Do you have a Fatal Attraction?Your score = 5

What does your score mean?
Your results show that you seem to be levelheaded in love and don't get obsessed when rejected by the objects of your affection. You are generally able to just let it go and move on, and don't bother pursuing the matter any further. (This, of course, is assuming that someone has actually given you the boot at one point. If not, the real test is yet to come!) You accept the fact that love sometimes comes to a tragic end, and wouldn't want to have to convince anyone to stay by your side. You still may feel sad or hurt when a love affair goes wrong (who doesn't?) but you try not to let it consume you. There are, after all, plenty of fish in the sea!

How true: no comments
Erm... the questions were so ridiculous, I don't think got anything to do with the results... But, yes, most of the mentioned above is correct...


Results of "The Test"
How snobby are you?Your score = 45

What does your score mean?
Your test results indicate that you're somewhat snobby. You can be relaxed and accepting of those that don't fit your criteria for being "cool", but you also have the occasional bout of superiority. Perhaps there are certain things that matter more to you more than others, like clothes or work status, or you just get in a snobby mood from time to time. Whatever the case, you should refrain from judging others on superficial qualities. It may be an overused cliché, but it says it all: Don't judge a book by a cover. You don't know what fabulous and fascinating people you might discount just because they're not wearing the right brand of socks. Try to put aside your biases and give people a chance!

How true: A bit, hehe...
I do go around criticising things I don't like and gossiping about people I don't like but it's not that I don't like them because of their status or race or size... I don't like people because of their attitude towards me or towards others. I especially don't like show-offs and snobs. I do unto unto others what they do unto me. I also don't like flirts or those that keep talking about their boyfriends (trust me, not because I'm jealous, just hate the lovey dovey look or proud face they have).


Results of "The Test"
How optimistic are you?Your score = 55

What does your score mean?
When it comes to the classic glass half empty or half full question, you seem to be balancing precariously on the fence. Essentially, you're a realist who sees the world in various shades of gray rather than black and white. While you know things don't always work out the way we anticipate, you also recognize - and use to your advantage -the power of positive thinking. You want to hope for the best, and try to keep those rose-colored glasses on as often as possible. This approach to life, should you develop it more fully, will surely give you an edge over all the negative Neds and Nancys out there; research has proven that expecting the best creates a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. You believe, for example, that the attractive stranger at a party really will call and in turn you come across as confident and approachable. You know the deal - when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Put in a little more effort to look on the bright side and you'll be heading down the right path.

How true: Hmm...
Usually I think positively and encourage others to too. But since I believe anything can happen in this world, I do feel negative at times and feel the need to be cautious. However, I doubt an attractive stranger at a party who asks for my number would actually call. In fact, I doubt that guy would even ask for my no. in the first place!

Results of the Exercise Myth Quiz

Exercise Savvy
Your score = 60

What does your score mean?
Don't stop now, the finish line is in sight! You seem to understand the basics of exercising, but are a little bit hazy on the details. Without knowing all the facts you might not fulfill all of your exercise goals and you can risk injury. In order to ensure that you are exercising in the most beneficial and efficient manner, do a little research and bone-up on your knowledge.

How true: No!!!!I know too much bout it already!!!!


Results of "The Test"
Do you have a baby fever?
Your score = 15

What does your score mean?
Although one day you may consider becoming a mother, presently it is the farthest thought from your mind. In fact it may not even exist in your five-year plan. Whatever your opinions on motherhood are, one thing is certain. You are not anxious to endure the agony of childbirth, the sleepless nights, nor sacrifice your freedom for next twenty years. Perhaps the idea of dirty diapers dampens your spirits or you may simply feel that you are still not ready to appreciate the pleasures of motherhood. You could be at the pinnacle of your career, finishing a degree or focusing on becoming a better person. You are wise enough to realize that being liable for another life is a huge responsibility. Being a mom is great … when you are ready!
How true: Duh! Of course I’m not ready to be a mother, I’m 15!!!


Results of "The Test"
How paranoid are you?
Your score = 45

What does your score mean?
Although you're probably not checking your apartment for hidden bugs on a regular basis, you get the occasional suspicion that whispers in the corridor are about YOU. Essentially, you've got a mild case of paranoia, but it's nothing to panic about. It's human impulse to have flashing moments of mistrust - no one is immune to such feelings, which have their roots in several other emotions. Paranoia can stem from trust issues; when, for example, you get all worked up that your special someone is having an affair because they haven't called. It can also be a reflection of pessimism; you tend to think the worst and it leads to negative expectations. Paranoid thoughts can also come from flashes of insecurity; you wonder if you're good enough and feel anxious that others feel the same way. Overall, these feelings are generally not harmful if they are in moderation - and depending on how you react to them. Hire a private eye every time your spouse works late, however, and you're on the road to ruin!

How true: Erm… YepIt shows that I’m human! Though yes… 45% quite high… But no, I’m more optimistic than pessimistic (‘cept for sch). I prefer to think positive (and want others to too).

Friday, August 06, 2004


Results of "The Test"
How socially conscious are you?Your score = 65

What does your score mean?
While you haven't got the social conscience of Mahatma Gandhi, you do have certain causes that hold a place in your heart. You're likely the kind of person who takes a critical look at society's rules before deciding whether or not to stick to them. You may reject some because they don't match your principles, or you pick and choose from social conventions depending on which ones fit in with your agenda. You might even do things that you know are not "right" just so you can get what you want. As long as you are not participating in or encouraging behavior that has the potential to harm anyone else, your approach may be perfectly harmless. Take a look at your actions and ask yourself whether you are being just a little selfish.

How true: Not so true leh...
The part about "You might even do things that you know are not "right" just so you can get what you want." So not true!!!

Results of "The Test"
How devoted are you?Your score = 55

What does your score mean?
Your results showed that you are sometimes devoted, but other times you turn your back on loved ones... which is not necessarily a bad thing. Love is not blind for you, which means there is a certain line others can't cross and still expect to have your loyalty. You set boundaries, which sends the clear message that you won't put up with crap. This results in healthy devotion, as opposed to self-sacrificing submission. You've got a backbone and a heart!

How true: Dunno leh...
The test only asked about dating and stuff, how to answer??


Results of "The Test"
How much of a drama queen are you?Your score = 40

What does your score mean?
According to your answers on the test, you are given to the occasional dramatic outburst. You seem to have days when you are calm and rational, yet others when you ride a temporary roller coaster of emotion. Yes, sometimes you overreact. Perhaps you are more sensitive in certain areas, like your love life or health. Or maybe you go a tad over-the-top during certain times of high stress (or fluctuating hormones... and this happens to both men and women!). Whatever the case, it would certainly be beneficial to keep the theatrics to a minimum. Going over-the-top can spice up your life but it also can cause unnecessary stress. When you're on the verge of freaking out, take a deep breath and consider how things fit into the big picture. Is it really worth it?

How true: Hehe, kinda larz...
I do overeact and stuff. I also used to overcome stress quite easily, but now... as you can see from my pure-princess blog, taking a deep breath and consider how things fit in the big picture doesn't really work anymore... Not really...

Results of "The Test"
How polite are you?Your score = 80

What does your score mean?
Are you, by any chance, a member of the Royal Family? You've got impeccable manners, and a standard of decorum high above that of the average Joe-blow. You wouldn't dream of behaving in a way that may offend or disgust others, and nearly always put decent social conduct above your own discomfort. This is a gift that certainly gives you the advantage in many situations - no one would hesitate to bring you home to meet the parents, for example. One warning though; the rules of decorum evolve with time (how many men you know would lay their jacket across a mud puddle for a lady friend?) and sometimes you can simply throw them out the window. No one expects you, for example, to buy your low-down ex a lavish wedding present. You have every right to be proud of your super-polite behavior, but don't get so hung up on etiquette that others take advantage of your good intentions.

Results of "The Test"
How polite are you?Your score = 80

What does your score mean?
Are you, by any chance, a member of the Royal Family? You've got impeccable manners, and a standard of decorum high above that of the average Joe-blow. You wouldn't dream of behaving in a way that may offend or disgust others, and nearly always put decent social conduct above your own discomfort. This is a gift that certainly gives you the advantage in many situations - no one would hesitate to bring you home to meet the parents, for example. One warning though; the rules of decorum evolve with time (how many men you know would lay their jacket across a mud puddle for a lady friend?) and sometimes you can simply throw them out the window. No one expects you, for example, to buy your low-down ex a lavish wedding present. You have every right to be proud of your super-polite behavior, but don't get so hung up on etiquette that others take advantage of your good intentions.

How true: Of course I'm not from a royal family but I've been brought up well I admit!
Thank you, thank you, hehe... And of course I won't buy a lavish wedding present for my low-down ex! Just give him a normal wedding present, afterall he invited me. And nah, I won't get hung up on ettiquette till someone steps over me, though it has happen... I'm working on it now!

From: forgot... from queendom oso larz...

Results of your Self-Esteem Test

your score = 63
What does your score mean?
According to this test, you have a reasonably high level of self-esteem. There is, however, still some room for improvement.

How true: ??
What's self-esteem ah?


Results of the Emotional IQ Test

Your score = 78
What does your score mean?
There's some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that your Emotional IQ is low. In a practical sense, this means that you are not reaching your full potential. Now for the good news: by learning and practicing new skills and more effective ways of dealing with people, you can significantly improve your EIQ.

How true: Huh??
Really, was does that mean??


Results of Your IQ Test

IQ Score = 126
What does your score mean?
Way to go! Your performance on the test was well above the population average. Typically, people with scores in this range perform very well academically, can relatively easily make it through university and generally achieve success in life.

How true: Haha!
Intelligence runs in the family! Jk... My bro scored 135, but he's like 27/28?? Woo hoot!

Thank You! Your score is 39, the best we've had so far. However, it also means you are the personality equivalent of a homicide detective.
A copy of this test has been emailed to the IRS, the FBI, the CIA and Microsoft. Based on the results you may be audited, incarcerated, recruited as a spy or awarded the entire wealth of Bill Gates, which is now $5,677,572,570,000 -- a bit lower than yesterday because he visited the Mustang Ranch near Las Vegas.

How true: Nah
A homicide detective, haha, big joke!


Your Type is INTJ
Strength of the preferences %
INTJ type description by D.KeirseyINTJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss
Qualitative analysis of your type formula You are:
moderately expressed introvert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
slightly expressed thinking personality
moderately expressed judging personality

How true: Dunno...
I don't understand the analysis. I like the test though, I answered with full honesty, really...

You're an ISTJ
You're systematic, thorough, painstaking, and hardworking...You get the job done and complete it on are serious and sincere in whatever you work well within a structure...follow the hierarchy...and are particularly strong and careful in keeping track of facts and details...
Cautious...generally seeking to maintain the status are at your best getting things to the right place at the right time....
Serious, responsible and sensible stalwarts of society...trustworthy and honor your commitments...your word is your solemn vow. Practical and realisitic, you have great powers of concentration....hard to distract once you have embarked what you believe is the best course of action.... ..
You like to apply past experience to present can cite accurate evidence to support your're down to earth and seek to do the right thing at the appropriate find it hard to understand people who start an education but don't finish it...
You are diligent and persevering in your efforts...whether it be school, or work, or love...A half-finished job is not a job well probably believe in "Say what you mean and mean what you say." Private by nature, you appear calm in moments of crisis...
You believe in work before pleasure...(gee, like posting before playing the online games on Storm Palace?)..while you don't SEEK leadership positions, you might find yourself in build a reputation for reliable, stable and consistent performance...
You like to schedule....even your LEISURE time! It helps to you if it has a purpose, even if that purpose is you, love means bigtime commitment, steadiness and behave appropriately for what the situation demands (for example, romantic in the beginning, and so on)..
When you give your word and are ready to settle down, you follow-through... you expect your partners to act in a similar may stay in a poor relationship because of a sense of might have strong but unspoken reactions under that cool facade...
Logical and analytical...quick to point out flaws in other people...when you feel scorned in a relationship, you may not let your partner know it..when it's obvious that the relationship is really over, ending it is just the practical thing to do...
Things to look out for: you could immerse yourself in could become rigid in your ways and be thought of as inflexible... don't forget to compliment people and be so concerned with getting the job might overlook the long-range implications of your actions today...don't get stuck in a rut...recognize your emotions, and the values they represent... others might see you as insensitive...
Also, you're skeptical of new ideas you don't see immediate and practical applications may impose judgments on others...expect others to be the way YOU'd be...become more tolerant of difference between people.
ISTJ: "I Save Things Judiciouslyl"

How true: Okok...
I like to get things done and complete it on time but I don't usually manage that. I take responsibility very seriously and will feel uneasy if I don't do what I'm supposed to. I take whatever I say as a sort of promise and try as hard as I can not to break them. I do wonder why people don't want to complete their education. To me it's like a very important foundation. I hate doing things halfway, but nowadays I am doing exactly that, sigh... While I don't SEEK leadership positions, I always find myself in one, this is sooo true how I'm the treasurer for ELDDS, secretary for library and vice-chairman for book club, aiyoh! I feel restless when I idle, I feel that some part of me just have to be moving, even if it's just the fingers like now, hehe. When I don't like something that a person does, I so want to tell him/her but really, I just can't. I'm working on that now... Haiz... I think a number of people are already labelling me as "insensitive" though I really think that I'm not! One final thing, I do expect others to be the way I am. I know that's not the right thing, but I can't help it.